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Solar Batteries Sydney & New South Wales

sonnen home batteries are now accessible to homeowners across Australia, including Sydney and New South Wales. What this means, is that if you’re looking to avoid paying for electricity that can be produced for free from the sun in your own home, there are multiple options available to you. 

So, how much can you potentially save? The amount of savings you could potentially enjoy with a solar battery varies based on a variety of factors. These factors include the location of your home, the configuration of your rooftop solar panels and your household’s energy consumption patterns. However, by installing a suitable home battery system, most households will see a reduction in their energy expenses right away. 

Ready to get started? By answering a few easy questions about your household and location, you can quickly estimate the possible solar savings you could enjoy here.

NSW electricity prices & grid information

Like Melbourne and Victoria, the energy market in Sydney and New South Wales is among the most advanced in Australia. However, as all Australians reliant on grid electricity are surely aware, energy prices are rapidly increasing – and the opportunities that were once abundant for customers to save on electricity are now becoming increasingly scarce. What’s more, with falling FiTs, even households with rooftop solar are finding it more difficult to keep their energy prices at manageable levels. 

Even the NSW Government recognises that the state electricity system must change due to the rapidly escalating pressure energy prices are placing on households and businesses.[1] But while it will eventually respond to the challenges, it’s obvious the energy market is failing the residents in Sydney and New South Wales who face no end to the energy supply issues and escalating energy prices. With the opportunity to take control of household energy costs while reducing carbon emissions, is it any wonder that so many people are turning to rooftop solar and home battery storage systems? 

Solar feed-in tariffs (FiTs)

If you currently have solar panels and export the excess solar energy your system generates to the grid, you may have noticed the decline in solar feed-in tariffs. This trend is due to a combination of factors, including the increasing number of large-scale renewable energy projects and basic supply and demand. Additionally, as more households feed solar energy into the grid to get the FiTs that help them pay off their investment and lower their energy costs, the surplus energy lowers the market value of residential-generated solar energy, leading to lower returns for customers. Due to these trends, an increasing number of households are investing in home solar battery storage to attain energy independence and safeguard themselves from escalating residential energy costs. 

NSW Solar Battery Rebate Scheme

The New South Wales Home Battery Scheme, the ‘Empowering Homes’ solar battery loan, has now closed to new applications. However, if you’re located in New South Wales and ready to claim your energy independence by installing a solar battery system at home, you can apply for a Small-scale Technology Certificate (STC) through the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).

sonnen authorised installers 

When you’re ready to free yourself from the grid and gain the independence that enables you to choose how you manage and control the energy you use at home, contact us using the form below and we can connect you with one of our partner installers based in Sydney and New South Wales.